- Teaching through the whole-school-approach: The Austrian School Network ÖKOLOG - Case studies on Education for Sustainable Development in All-Day schools. (Rauch, F., Dulle, M., Messerschmidt, M. & Loparics, J.) WERA TASK FORCE Global Researchin Extended Education Conference 2024 on 12.09.2024, Giffith
- Teaching through the whole-school-approach: The Austrian School Network ÖKOLOG - Case studies on Education for Sustainable Development in All-Day schools. (Rauch, F., Dulle, M., Messerschmidt, M. & Loparics, J.) ECER Conference 2024 on 27.08.2024, Nicosia
- The Austrian School Network ÖKOLOG: Case studies on Education for Sustainable Development in All-Day-Schools. (Rauch, F., Loparics, J., Dulle, M., Messerschmid, M.) ECER Conference 2023 on 23.08.2023, University of Glasgow
- Case Studies Austria: Pluralistic Communication and Participation for Education for Sustainable Development in All-Day-Schools. (Rauch, F., Dulle, M., Messerschmid, M.) ECER Conference 2023 on 24.08.2023, University of Glasgow
- The Austrian School Network OEKOLOG - A Whole School Approach on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). (Rauch, F., Dulle, M. & Hanfstingl, B.) 4th APSPA (Asia Pacific School Psychology Association) International Conference on 16.3.2023, Central University of Hayrana (Mahendragarh)
- The Austrian Ecolog Schools Network: Case studies on Education for sustainble Development. (Rauch, F., Dulle, M., Messerschmid, M., Loparics, J.) ESERA Conference 2023 on 28.8.2023, Kappadokia
- The Austrian OEKOLOG school network and "Climate Action" at International Bilingual School (GIBS) Graz. (Rauch R., Rauch-Kovatschitsch, C. & Blumrich, M.) Global Climate Education Conference on 1.11.2022, Louisville
- The Austrian School Network ECOLOG: Findings of a Quantitative Survey among Coordinators at Schools. (Rauch, F. & Dulle M.) ECER 2022 Plus on 2.9.2022, Yerewan
- The Austrian ECOLOG Schools Network: Concept and Results of Accompanying Research. (Rauch F.) ICET - First International Conference on Education and Training on 12.7.2022, Lissabon
- Das Programm ÖKOLOGisierung an Österreichischen Grundschulen: Konzept & aktuelle Befunde. (Rauch, F. & Dulle, M.) 3. Grazer Grundschulkongress am 5.7.2022, Graz
- Das Österreichische Schulnetzwerk ÖKOLOG - Ergebnisse der Begleitforschung. (Rauch, F. & Dulle M.) DGfE Kongress 2022 Entgrenzungen am 14.3.2022, Bremen/online
- Beliefs of High School Students and Their Willingness to Act in Arab and Jewish Communities in Israel: The Case of Global Warming. (M. Hugerat & F. Rauch), International ECER Conference am 15.09.2021, Geneva/online
- The Austrian ECOLOG schools network: Results of a quantitative survey. (F. Rauch & M. Dulle), International ESERA Conference am 30.8.2021, Braga/online
- School-community Cooperation in the framework of the ECOLOG-schools Network in Austria (F. Rauch, K. Ziener, D. Radmann), International ECER Congress am 03.09.2019, Hamburg
- The Austria Ecologisation of Schools Network (ECOLOG): Participation for transformative education (F. Rauch), 24th Symposium on Chemistry and Science Education: Building bridges across disciplines for transformative education and a sustainable future am 03.06.2018, Bremen
- Schulentwicklung durch Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung: Das Netzwerk ÖKOLOG (Ökologisierung von Schulen) (F. Rauch, D. Radmann), Internationale Jahrestagung der DGfE-Kommission Organisationspädagogik „Organisation und Verantwortung“ am 01.03.2018, Linz
- Das ÖKOLOG-Netzwerk wurde von Prof. Dr. Franz Rauch bei der 5th Action Research Network of the Americas (ARNA) Konferenz (http://www.arna2017.unal.edu.co/1/), die von 12.-16. Juni 2017 in Cartagena, Kolumbien stattfand, vorgestellt.
- Rauch, F. (2015). Networking for Education for Sustainable Development in Austria: The Austrian ECOLOG-Schools Programme. Präsentation bei der CARN Conference. 6. bis 8.11.2015. Braga, Portugal.
- Rauch, F. & Dulle, M. (2015). The Austrian Network "Ecologizing of Schools" (ECOLOG). IOSTE Eurasian Regional Symposium & Brokerage Event Horizon 2020 - Science with and for Society. 26. April 2015. Istanbul, Türkei.
- Rauch, F. (2015). Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung als Prozess zwischen Normen und Reflexion? Betrachtungen an der Schnittstelle von Forschung und Praxis. Tagung der DGfE-Sektion Interkulturelle und international Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft: Normativität, Positionierung, Reflexivität: (Selbst)kritische Perspektiven. 27. März 2015. Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Deutschland.